помогите пжжж..ex 60

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помогите пжжж..ex 60

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My friend wants to study French. He remembers everything. A child receives a lot of pleasure from this game. Does this girl go to the theater on Saturday? His friend sleeps in the afternoon. A child plays all the the morning and sleeps in the afternoon. my friend likes meat and does not like fish. He lives in a small house which has three rooms. His brother works hard all day, and wants to rest in the evening. He gets new books from the library every week. The postman brings letters three times a day. He wants to buy some toys because his son has a birthday tomorrow. This girl comes to our library every Tuesday. His holiday finishes in August. A boy wakes up at seven. Housewife has to work very hard. On Saturday he goes to the cinema. He knows English well and can answer all my questions. His father works in an office and does not come home for lunch. He does not believe her stories

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