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пж 5 номер 20 баллов

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1)this is a …pencil. The..pencil is red.2)shi is .a..teacher.she is our …teacher of english.3)there are …many flowers in your garden. The..flowers are beautiful.4)did you write the…plan?gime me your …plan please.5) .The..black sea is in .the..south of russia.6)this is …nick.he works as an…engineer.He is .a..good engineer.there are …some schools in our street. The..schools are new.8)In summer the…sky is blue and .the..sun shines brightly.9) The…petrovs are very friendly.10)yhis is .. ann`s book.11)… winter begins in december.12)what a fine day it is today!.13) …history and …computerScience were …my favourite subjects at …school.14)I don`t know the…way to the…station.15)usually i get up at …7 o`clock in the…morning.16)will you have a…cup of …tea?17 …warsaw is the…capital of poland.18)This is .a..book, the book is very interesting.19)do you see the…sun in .the..sky today?20).I went to the…smirnovs but they were not at …home