Решите номер 14 и 15

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Решите номер 14 и 15

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Упр. 14.

1 Britain consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

2 Their capitals are London, Edinbourough, Cardiff and Belfast.

3 The official name of the country is: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland.

4 The climate of the country is mild: it’s never too cold in winter and never too hot in summer.

5 The English language is the official language of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland.

Упр. 15.

England;  the red rose; The English Flag – the flag of St. George.

Scotland; the Thistle; The Scotish Flag – the flag of Saint Andrew.

Wales; the Daffodil (the Leek); The Welsh Flag – the Red Dragon.

Northern Ireland; the Clover (the Shamrock); The Irish Flag – flag of Saint Patrick.  

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